Course Content: This course will cover basic tools and techniques for solving ordinary differential equations, with an emphasis on linear ordinary differential equations.
Text: The text for the course will be Ordinary Differential Equations, by William Adkins and Mark Davidson.
Classroom: Lockett 276
Time: MTWRF, 11:00 – 12:00
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3 – 4, Thursdays 12 – 1
Homework and Grades:
Homework Policy: Written homework will not be collected. Instead, you will be given periodic Homework Quizzes, whose purpose is to check that you are indeed completing the homework assignments and that you are making progress understanding the material. Homework Quizzes will generally not be announced in advance. To take a Homework Quiz, you must have a completed copy of your written homework in-class. If you do not have a copy of your written homework, you will receive a grade of zero on that Homework Quiz. Additionally, the dates of Homework Quizzes will not always be announced in advanced, so you be sure to bring completed assignments (their due-dates are on Moodle) to class each day.
Final Course Grades: Your grade will be determined by your performance on the various assignments and exams throughout the term. Specifically, your final grade will be determined as follows:
- Homework 25%
- Midterms 20% (each)
- Final 35%
Grading Scale: A – at least 90%; B – at least 80%; C – at least 70%; D – at least 60%.
Ethical Conduct: You are strongly encouraged to talk to others about the material you are learning — this includes fellow students, me and anyone else in the department. The more engaged you are with the material the better. That said, the work you hand in must be your own. The best way to ensure that the work you turn in accurately represents your own understanding of the material (and to avoid any suspicion of copying) is to write out your homework solutions on your own, not whilst working with a friend. Cheating on exams is unacceptable. Any cheating on homework assignments or during midterms or finals will result in you receiving no credit for the assignment/exam. Students must abide by LSU’s Code of Student Conduct.
Disability Support: Students who may need accommodations because of a documented disability should meet with me privately within the first week of classes. In addition, students with disabilities should also contact the Office of Disability Services.