Clayton Shonkwiler – Undergraduate Colloquium

Intended Audience: Anyone with an interest in mathematics, but especially undergraduates and advanced high-school students.

In this episode we see an Undergraduate Colloquium talk presented by Clayton Shonkwiler, a mathematician at Colorado State University who is speaking to us about “15 Views of the Hypersphere”.

In the talk, Clayton discusses various methods for visualizing high-dimensional spaces.  His talk is peppered with both beautiful mathematics and wonderful visualizations.  It also provides great insight into the way mathematicians think about and approach difficult problems by breaking them into simpler pieces or building “toy models”.

This video is aimed at undergraduates and advanced high-schoolers, but anyone with an interest in mathematics should love what they see.

Students, parents, teachers and mathematicians alike will also enjoy visiting Clayton’s website, which features stunning mathematical art inspired by the beautiful mathematics that arises in his research and teaching.  A highlight from Clayton’s portfolio is shown below.

If you enjoy what you see, please be sure to Like our Facebook page.



Copyright © 2015 Scott Baldridge and David Shea Vela-Vick
Supported by NSF CAREER grant DMS-0748636 and NSF grant DMS-1249708

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